Annalena pag.3


Disfunzione erettileall may be one”.prezzo cialisall may be one”.I give thanks to God for the friends He has given and continues to give me. We are apparently different but equal in substance: we fight for the poor to be raised from dust and made free; we fight so that  all may be one”.

 I left Italy after six years in the slums of my hometown, serving children in the local orphanage: little girls mentally handicapped or victims of family violence, and poor people of the Third World. This was possible due to the activities of the Committee I had helped to establish.

I thought that I could not give of myself totally if I stayed in my own country but I felt suffocated within the narrow boundaries of my area of operation. I soon realized that one can serve and love everywhere but by now I was in Africa and I knew that it was God that had taken me there; and there I remained in joy and gratitude I left committed to “cry out the Gospel with my life” in the footsteps of    Charles de Foucauld,  who had ignited my existence.

Even now, thirty- three years later, I proclaim the Gospel with my life alone and I burn with the desire to continue to proclaim it out until the end. This is my basic motivation, together with an invincible passion, which I have always had, for the wounded and downtrodden people without deserving such a fate, beyond the boundaries of race, culture and faith.

I try to live with complete respect for “those” that the Lord has given me. Where possible I have adopted their style of life. I live a very modest life in my housing, my food, my means of transport and my clothes. I spontaneously abandoned my western habits. I have looked for dialogue with everybody. I have given   CARElove, loyalty and passion. May the Lord forgive me if I use these important words.

In Africa, I have almost always lived with the Somalis, first with the Somalis of North-Eastern Kenya, and then with the Somalis of Somalia. I live in a world that is rigidly Muslim. From Mussolini times up to the civil war on 1990 the presence of religious people was allowed only for spiritual assistance to the Italian community.

I have been in Borama for the last five years. Borama is in the Northwest part of the country, bordering Ethiopia and Djibouti. Borama has no Christians to share my faith. Twice a year, around Christmas and Easter time, the bishop of Djibouti comes to celebrate Mass with me and for me.


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